Ruqyah (Spiritual Healing)

Introduction about Ruqyah
For Ruqyah, we can use special verses of Qur’an, Dua taught & read by Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم, Names of Allah Ta’lah, & some permissible medicines. In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc the collection of verses of Quran, called as Manzil, is also a type of Ruqyah.
Ruqyah is commonly translated in English as “Incantation” which carries a negative meaning, since the word incantation is usually associated with magic, spells, and witchcraft. However, Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation of Qur’an, seeking of refuge, remembrance and supplications (Dua) that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems).
Ruqyah was advised by Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم very much to the people, patience & etc, especially for pain, disease, evil eye (Nazar), Sehar (black magic), mischief of jinns & shaitaan & prevention.
Many times Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم advised Dua alone or Dua & medicine both, or Rukhya alone or alone medicine, but advised Ruqyah & Dua mostly. The treatment for Sehar (black magic & nazar (evil eye) is all most same & it is by Ruqyah.
Ruqyah should be recited with the intention of treatment for Nazar (evil eye), Sehar (Black magic) or for whatever reason, but a Niyat should be there, for what are we doing Ruqyah.
The person himself should recite Ruqyah verses, is the first & general rule, however if a person cannot recite Ruqyah verses himself, due to illness or else, than relatives or anybody else can recite Rukhya in place of the patient.
It is good to recite the Ruqyah verses little loudly, so that the words should be heard by the ears of the patient, this rule is applicable in both conditions, means if the patient himself recites or anybody else does it.
Also it is permissible, according to scholars that Ruqyah verses can be listened on MP3 players, mobiles or etc.
It should be listened again & again, continuously, daily, in diseases condition, & for precaution it should be recited once or twice a day (early morning before or after Fajar salah & evening after Magrib Salah).
Many times after reciting or undergoing Ruqyah treatment, the patient may feel irritating, uneasy or behalf strangely , may vomit, may pass motions or other symptoms, this indicates that the person is affected with black magic (sehar) & do not stop Ruqyah treatment. (Do it till complete relief). Do it continuously & after complete relief, you can do it once or twice a day lifelong.
Ruqyah are of two types: –
1) Ruqyah Ash Shar’eeya.
2) Ruqyah Ash Shirkiyah (this is not allowed to be done).
Ar-Ruqyah Ash Shar’eeyah
It has three conditions. Ibn Hajar (rahimuhullah) said there is a consensus on using of Ruqyah, if three conditions are present: –
1) It must be with the speech of Allah (Qur’an) and his names and attributes.
2) It must be in the Arabic language, or what is known to be its meaning in other languages.
3) To believe that Ruqyah has no benefit by itself, but the benefits are from Allah.
This type of Ruqyah is permissible and is the main subject of this topic.
Ar Ruqyah Ash Shirkiyah
This contradicts the conditions of Ruqyah Ash Shar’eeyah and has in it Shirk, associating Shaitaanic way. It leads the person to destruction of life and Aakherat (here after) and increases diseases and sicknesses. This type of Ruqyah is prohibited, from the teachings of Nabiﷺ this includes: Magic (whether learning, practicing, or teaching it), Fortune telling, Horoscopes, superstitious belief, and Tameemah (charms and amulets).
Rules & principles of Quranic treatment
1. Hazrat Raza Al-Ghanvi رضي الله عنه says that get Shifa from those, in which Allah’s praise are present like (Quranic verses) Alhamdulillah (sura Faateha) or Kul ho wal-allah ho A-had (sura Ikhlaas) (or other) & those who does not get Shifa (cure) with Quran then understand there is no Shifa in your destiny.  : Reference Jaa-me Sa-gheer: 977 & Fa-te Al-kabir 1740.
 2. Hazrat Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم guided to get Shifa (cure) from Quran & if anyone does not get Shifa (cure) with Quran, then understand there is no Shifa in your destiny..  : Reference Jaa-me Sa-gheer: 977.
In regards with above both Hadees we should understand that we are guided to get Shifa from Quran & Names of Allah, or Dua in which there are praise about Allah & also should follow all guidance of Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم , & if anyone did not got Shifa in spite of Quranic treatment than understand that cure is not in your destiny.
Conditions of a person who treats with Ruqyah (the person who can do it)
1) He must have the right belief in Allah (Based on Qur’an, Sunnah, and keep away from Shirk, etc).
2) He must have sincerity in worshipping Allah and have a good intention in treating people.
3) He must be firm in his obedience to Allah, and keep away from all that is forbidden.
4) He must keep far away from all unlawful places and situations that can lead to what is forbidden for example isolating himself with a female, etc.
5) He must guard the affairs of his patients and protect their secrets.
6) He must propagate the religion of Allah. Give the patient advice and admonitions on the rights of Allah with regards to His commandments and prohibitions.
7) He should have knowledge about the affairs of the patient and sicknesses.
8) He should have knowledge about the reality of jinns (so as not to have them harm or threaten him while curing the patient).
Ibn Teen (Rahimuhullah) said, “Treating with Muawwizaat, (Surah An-Naas, Al-Falaq) and other forms, such as the names of Allah are medicine for the soul. So if these forms of treatment are on the tongue of the righteous, cure will be achieved by the will of Allah”.
Conditions for the person under going Ruqyah
1) He must have complete belief that harm and benefit are only from Allah.
2) He must be patient.
Conditions of Ruqyah Ash Shar’eeyah
1) It must be with the speech of Allah, His names and attributes, or the speech or Dua of Nabi.
2) It must be in Arabic, or what is known to be its meaning in other languages.
3) To believe that verily Ruqyah has no benefit by itself, but the cure is from Allah.
4) Not to perform Ruqyah in a state of major impurity (junub) (Napaaki) or in a place that is not permissible to perform ibadah i.e. graveyard, bathroom, etc.
Rules & principles of Quranic treatment
1. Hazrat Raza Al-Ghanvi رضي الله عنه says that get Shifa from those, in which Allah’s praise are present like (Quranic verses) Alhamdulillah (sura Faateha) or Kul ho wal-allah ho A-had (sura Ikhlaas) (or other) & those who does not get Shifa (cure) with Quran then understand there is no Shifa in your destiny.  : Reference Jaa-me Sa-gheer: 977 & Fa-te Al-kabir 1740.
 2. Hazrat Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم guided to get Shifa (cure) from Quran & if anyone does not get Shifa (cure) with Quran, then understand there is no Shifa in your destiny..  : Reference Jaa-me Sa-gheer: 977.
In regards with above both Hadees we should understand that we are guided to get Shifa from Quran & Names of Allah, or Dua in which there are praise about Allah & also should follow all guidance of Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم , & if anyone did not got Shifa in spite of Quranic treatment than understand that cure is not in your destiny.

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